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Angels Saving Angels

                                                                                                            June 14, 2020

This is our true story of how real angels from Hopital Notre Dame du Liban saved our baby’s life.

Baby Mitri / Paco (Dimitrius Francisco), was born pre-mature, at 6 months, on

April 20, 2020, at Hopital Notre Dame du Liban, in Jounieh, Lebanon.

Dr. Savio Barakat handled the birth, and by recommendation of Dr. Youssef Francis, of Jbeil,  Dr. Naji Doumith took over the care of Baby Mitri.

Professor Dr. Naji’s expertise is the care of infants & newborn babies, in critical condition.

Dr. Naji’s education and the basis of his expertise emerges from years of study, in the Strasbourg / Alsace Lorraine area, of France.

During the 1990’s, Dr. Naji returned to Lebanon, and established critical infant care, for the people of Lebanon.

In addition to the newborn infant lives he has saved, Dr. Naji is an outstanding educator, spreading his knowledge and experience on to many amazing student doctors, nurses, and care-givers.

Many of his former and current students have joined his amazing team of critical
care-givers, at Hopital Notre Dame du Liban.

This amazing team of REAL ANGELS has been saving lives, together, for many, many years.

Baby Mitri had nearly two months of many critical health complications, due to being born pre-mature.

With the great compassion, care, intelligence, education, experience, and most of all, the amazing love of Dr. Naji and his team of REAL ANGELS, we brought home Baby Mitri, in beautiful health.

As I was growing up, my mother always told us that

 “God helps those who help themselves”.

We prayed to God, Lord Jesus, Saint Charbel, and Saint Rita, and we believe they helped us with this team of REAL ANGELS, who have dedicated their lives to learning and being able to care for others, saving precious lives, as a result of all their hard work and studies.


Mr. Christian Adaimi, Director Generale of Hopital Notre Dame du Liban, has done incredible things to support his entire staff and team of REAL ANGELS, especially during this barrage of economic and emotional difficulties, on his wonderful staff, and the people of Lebanon.

The people of Hopital Notre Dame du Liban are saving lives because they really care and love what they do.

They are caring for the sake of caring, and our appreciation for what they do goes infinitely beyond words.

Through guidance and support of Director Christian Adaimi,
Dr. Naji Doumit and his team of REAL ANGELS include:

Dr. Nayri Topalian, Dr, Amani Zeaiter, Antoinette Leba, Jacqueline Chouccair, Rita Daou, Rita Khalife’, Gabrielle Affif, Helene Asaf, Fadia Asaf, Enaam Sokhen, Rose Barakat, Therese Tayah, Danielle Betkacha, Rima Habchi,

Wadad Bou Assi, Jihan Jabbour

Our appreciation is also sincerely expressed to other staff, security, Ms. Rudy, Bechara Hachem, George Jamal, Ms. Nada, Ms. Saide’, administrative, laboratory, and general staff.


Thank you all, from our hearts and souls, forever.                                                                              

Jamey & Eman Shaheen & Family
Darchmezzine, El Koura
